2011年7月26日 星期二

Vic - 卡內基的《人性的弱點》


家裡書櫃有一本十多年前出版的《人性的弱點》,是美國暢銷書How to Win Friends and Influence People的其中一個中譯版。

Smartbox,說這本書「是美國人際關係學大師戴爾卡內基(Dale Carnegie)於1936年完成的著作。該書運用了社會學和心理學知識,對人性進行深刻的探討和分析,激勵讀者發掘潛能和重建溝通技巧,甫出版即大受歡迎,曾登上《紐約時報》暢銷書榜達10年之久,至今銷出逾1500萬本,是史上銷量僅次於《聖經》的書籍。









  • 假裝對別人的嗜好感興趣,以便利用他們達成自己的目的;
  • 無論別人跟你說什麼,都裝作同意,好讓自己更受人歡迎;
  • 只表達正面的感覺,不要理會是否真誠;
  • 為自己的行為提出一些藉口,令人不好意思拒絕,這叫做「訴諸高尚情感」。




因小費爭執 出院《人性的弱點》遮面
警破門拉人 鳳姐被捕
品流複雜 居民常受嫖客滋擾


【明報專訊】《人性的弱點》英文名稱為How to Win Friends and Influence People,是美國人際關係學大師戴爾卡內基(Dale Carnegie)於1936年完成的著作。該書運用了社會學和心理學知識,對人性進行深刻的探討和分析,激勵讀者發掘潛能和重建溝通技巧,甫出版即大受歡迎,曾登上《紐約時報》暢銷書榜達10年之久,至今銷出逾1500萬本,是史上銷量僅次於《聖經》的書籍。

Some customer reviews on Amazon.com on How to Win Friends & Influence People

1. Think twice before spending your money

This is a very selfish book with the potential to be damaging. In very grounded, seemingly common sense language, it tells you how to manipulate people for your own ends rather than treating people fairly and as ends in themselves. And even if that alone isn't enough to discourage you from reading this book, I very much doubt the techniques work. People are not so easily fooled.
2. Obvious sophistry and disgusting, dangerous sycophantry

Utter dreck! Anyone who thinks this book offers important wise advice on friendship is an idiot.

Dale Carnegie was nothing but a huckstering sophist, and a very repulsive one at that. For those of you who may not know, Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People is a handbook on how to exploit friendship for the sake of financial and political gain. Now fans of this book (why such people are allowed to read, much less vote, I do not know) will say this book helped them overcome their shyness and make real friendships. But Dale Carnegie is not interested in real friendship. His only concern is to exploit friendship for financial and political gain. One need not be Einstein to know this. One need only read all the garish claims on the back of the book (I have an earlier edition than the one usually found in bookstores today) such as, say, "Increase your earning power" "(Carnegie's book will) [m:]ake you a better salesman, a better executive." If the book were really about true friendship, as its many lobotomized fans insists, then one would expect the blurbs to claim that the book will make the reader a better friend, not a better salesman. A true friend cares about his friends, but a salesman cares about his profit, and if friendship come between him and his profit, then so much for friendship. Dale Carnegie's groupies are utterly oblivious to his promotion of such shameless exploitation, which is as obvious as a communal bedpan.

3. This book is now obsolete

"Today we come across an individual who behaves like an automation, who does not know or understand himself, and the only person that he knows is the person that he is supposed to be, whose meaningless chatter has replaced communicative speech, whose synthetic smile has replaced genuine laughter, and whose sense of dull despair has taken the place of genuine pain...he suffers from defects of spontaneity and individuality..." As I can validate with the man who recommended this book to me, this observation by Erich Fromm is 100% on target with "Win Friends and Influence People".

This man, who practiced this book, presented himself as superficial, artificial, irregular, and consequently very annoying. He proved to me that these techniques do not facilitate communication- they stifle it. Instead of being direct, this man would only have the courage to give hints or make indirect statements in the form of questions. If I would attempt to explain something to him he didn't understand, he would immediately light up and go, "Oh! I see what you mean buddy." In my head I would think 'You couldn't possibly understand- I didn't even start explaining!' But that's how this "Win Friends" philosphy made him- he's not willing to go through any difficulty at all to understand and communicate with others.

The techniques in this book basically converted this man into a robot. Nobody really knows what kinds of things he's interested in - although at first you think his interests have a lot in common with yours. The man has no sincerity or credibility. When I see him smiling I don't know if he is genuinly happy or just trying to appear pleasant. When he says he agrees with me, it means nothing because he always seems to agree with everyone. I've come to take his liberal and exaggerated complements of me as insults because in doing this, he ignores what is truly worth praise and I know that anything he does for me is really only for his image.

I'll sum up this book for you:
1. Fake interest in other people's hobbies to get what you want out of them.
2. Pretend to agree with whatever people tell you so you'll be more popular.
3. Only express positive feelings ; do away with sincerity.
4. Make false excuses for your actions that people would be embarrased to turn down, called "Appealing to the Nobler Motives."
5. Talk your way out of what you behave yourself into (as if this was possible).

I witnessed the ineffectiveness of a man who devoted himself to this book; I tried this book myself for a while. My conclusions: It contains nothing more than deceptive, manipulative, superficial techniques that have no use and will lead to the detriment of yourself and your relationships. Instead, I recommend reading the book that made this one obsolete: "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen R. Covey.

1 則留言:

  1. 廿多年前買來看過, 內容完全忘記了. 人性的愚昧和醜惡, 千百年來都沒有改變, 良好的教育可以令人明白人性的愚昧和醜惡, 知己知彼, 知所趨避.
